2009-2016 Organisation of Student Exchange with the University of Western Australia
Organisation of Student Internships in Australia
Invitation of Guest Lecturers from the University of Sydney
Collaboration on Caleb Gattegno’s Memoir
2018 Three theatre productions and public performances based on the “Flow model” by Csikszentmihalyi. Supported by the German Embassy, Canberra, and the German Consulate, Perth.
2017 Conceptualisation and implementation of an intensive course in didactics for university professors from China.
2015 Establishment of a youtube channel together with my students: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqEC3Q9-OzJX7O-A4hGJuJQ/featured
2010-16 Planning and development of an e-learning program between the Goethe University and an international school in Adelaide. Future English teachers developed lessons on the internet, which were taught by teachers in Australia. It was a creative initiative that resulted in many more exchange programs and networking opportunities.
2012-16 Establishment of a tandem program between the Goethe University and King’s College in London.
2014 Organisation and establishment of a lecturer exchange program between the Goethe University and the Celal Bayar University, Turkey.
2006 Organisation of a halal and kosher cafeteria at the University of Adelaide. Creation of prayer rooms on campus.